Since 1981, Bradford Settlement Company has provided Structured Settlement advice and services to the injured and their counsel. Our consultants average over 15 years of experience in Structured Settlements, Financial Planning and Law. Over three-quarters of our consultants have professional degrees and/or professional designations. We believe that the lifetime financial decisions that will affect the injured are best decided by them, their guardians and their counsel.
Our duty is to determine your client’s financial needs, design the proper Structured Settlement plan to deliver those funds and select the most competitive and secure life insurance companies entrusted to provide those funds. We are also responsible for assuring you that your client’s settlement will not endanger any Federal or State benefits they may currently receive, or may be eligible to receive in the future.
A Bradford Settlement Company consultant is your Structured Settlement advocate! Our value-added services will provide you with detailed and comprehensive information to assist you in determining the value of your case and negotiating a settlement that maximizes your client’s benefits and security.